Look to my right and see;
no one is concerned for me.
I have no refuge;
no one cares for my life.
I love the honesty of the Bible. Clearly the Psalmist felt very low. Don't we all have moments like this? We dont know if in fact no-one did care or if it just felt like no-one did. I know in my life in fact there are more moments when you feel alone than the ones when in fact absolutely nobody cares. Whether fact or fiction the feeling is just as strong. Isn't being a 'real' christian someone who can be 'real' with God? If you feel like you are alone - let God know. As plainly and as clearly as it feels. The great story of the Bible and God's love is that he cares, his son Jesus cares and invariably he shows it by sending someone to demonstrate it.
This is actually really moving!