Thursday, 4 March 2010

How to build a good reputation

Proverbs 3:3-4 Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favour with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.

Few people live in an island completely isolated from others. We are all in some form of community. Many of us have a number of communities we are part of. Whether its the family, the workplace, the church, the friends, the neighbourhood, there are still relationships to be managed.
Despite what we may tell others we actually care what others think of us. It's not a bad desire. We know what we think of ourselves. We know the person we want to be. We just hope that others see past our faults and see our best self. We want a good reputation. But how do you get a good reputation?

Proverbs gives a clear instruction that loyalty and kindness are the key. These oppose self interest, looking out for 'number one'. These aren't surface attributes that we put on every now and again to win favour. We are not kind one day and cruel the next. We are not loyal one day and back-stabbing the next. When the writer says 'write them deep within your heart' he's saying 'make them an integral part of your character'.

This isn't a quick fix. Its probably a daily battle. Loyalty is about looking out for others. Standing by others in difficult times. Lifting them when they are low. Defending them when under attack. It's tough. It takes effort and self sacrifice. It's built over years and shown at its best in the worst of times.

Kindness is a generous spirit. It's thinking the best of people at all times. It's saying difficult things because we want the best for others instead of taking the easy path of 'ear tickling'. It's loving those we would happily see harm come to. It's showing grace and forgiveness. It's going the extra mile. It's not easy and it's a life's mission.

We want the reputation but do want to pay the price. What will I do today to not only show loyalty and kindness but to build it into my character. What will I put to death today, oppose and 'nip in the bud' that fights against this? The things that seek self interest and self gain.

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