Monday, 15 March 2010

We need strong oxen!

Proverbs 14:4 Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.

Ever been told something obvious by someone? It makes you wonder 'Why are you telling me this? I already know that.' By its nature something obvious is something you already know or could come to the same conclusion without any great effort. But when told something obvious you have to ask yourself what the reason for being reminded is?

The book of Proverbs has many sayings that while profound and are often not earth shattering. They are somewhat obvious. Working hard is a good thing that will benefit you. Adultery will ruin your family and your life. Correction will refine you, don't ignore it. But God put them all in His word for a reason. Each for a reason. Proverbs 14:4 says 'Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.'

For churches wanting to see growth there is a great principle here. If you don't want to see any growth, any salvation, any lifes changed then you don't need any strong leaders, any devoted followers, any passionate believers. The opposite is also true. Without any strong leaders, any devoted followers, any passionate believers you won't see any growth, any salvation, any lifes changed. But if you want to see a large harvest you better have some 'strong ox'.

Stables were meant to be messy. They were never intended to be clean, well organised, sterile environments. They were meant to reflect the mess of the work going on. If you want to keep the stable clean best you keep the animals out! But if you really want to see a big harvest then be prepared for the mess and make sure the ox are strong enough to cope with the harvest.

This is a wake up call to all in church whatever their responsibility or role. If we truly want to see growth, even of revival proportions then we need to both be ready for the mess and be strong enough to cope with the harvest.

Co-incidence that Jesus was born in a stable? I think not. Most christian are also born (again) in a stable.

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